First impressions count

The new year brings with it a number of inevitable things: resolutions that will either last the distance or be broken by this weekend, gym memberships, a pledge to eat healthily for at least the whole of January and a goal to save more money and spend more time doing the things you love. It also tends to bring an influx of new employees as the idea of a new year provides both active and passive candidates with the impetus to take on a new challenge.


We have blogged before about how first impressions count from a potential employer perspective: the need for candidates to be on time for an interview, look well-presented and have a firm handshake. But how about what happens next….the interview is over, the candidate has been selected and it’s the first day of the new role. What about the first impression that the organization gives to the new employee? Here are the top 5 tips for ensuring that your new employee’s first day is 1 to remember for all the right reasons:


Smile:Remember when it was your first day and how grateful you were to get a kind smile from anyone walking past you? It is a small gesture but it can be so reassuring. Smile at your new employee, help direct them to where they need to go, be open and welcoming. Be the person they will always remember from their first day.


Be transparent:If you are managing the new employee or in charge of their initial onboarding process, be totally up front and clear about what they are to expect from the first few days/week. Starting a new role can be daunting no matter what level you are at so the knowledge of a structured training plan and the mutual setting of expectations is a way of alleviating the feeling of not knowing what is ahead.


Inform:Have a formal induction process in place and use it as a way of going through the staff handbook with your new recruit. This will give them additional information regarding the ethos of the company and the daily routine of the team. Give a clear overview regarding the team they are going to be working in, and the current priorities for the business as a whole.  


Empathize:We have all had a first day, remember how you felt and what you found helpful when trying to settle in and find your feet. Be open to answering questions, welcome answering questions, and make yourself approachable and available.


Be professional, friendly and fun:Every company is different and has a separate set of core values and expectations. However, 1 thing remains the same – everyone is human. Try getting to know your recruit on a personal level as well as a professional level. Ask them questions about themselves, take them out for lunch on their first day, make them feel like part of the team.


Have a great weekend!