Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth

As most of us know, we have a public holiday in June in honour of the Queen’s birthday. However, this is not her real birthday, only her “official” one.

The Queen’s real birthday is today, April 21st, and this year she’ll be turning 91. But why have two birthdays?! The reason is kind of hilarious, and so British.

It started back in 1748, with King George II. George was born in November, and felt the weather would be too cold at that time of year for his annual birthday parade, so instead, he combined his birthday celebration with an annual spring military parade. Basically, the queen has two birthdays because of Britain’s unpredictable weather! Both reasons, the weather and the fact it is now tradition, are so very British and so very Royal, it seems pretty perfect.

Also, because of this, we get a sneaky extra public holiday in there (Even the UK don’t get this!).

So, Happy unofficial Birthday Queen Elizabeth.

In honour of her unofficial birthday today, here are a few facts about our one and only Queen that you may not know;

–          She drinks bubbly every night before bed (that a girl!)

–          She hires someone to break her new shoes in for her

–          Prince William called her “Gary” when he was a baby

–          Other royal family members call her “Miss Piggy”

–          She’s the only British monarch who can change a flat tire

–          She owned her first house at six years old

–          She has owned over 30 corgis

–          She also owns sloths, a jaguar, two giant turtles and an elephant

–          The Queen hates garlic so much she banned it in her kitchens

–          She absolutely loves chocolate – especially chocolate biscuit cake

–          She’s the only person in the UK allowed to drive without a license

–          She collected clothing coupons for her wedding dress

–          She sent her first email in 1976

I think she’d be a great addition to the SteppingStones family, don’t you?

Long live the Queen!
